The first two illustrations are city night scene with ice skating arena. These are a recollection of a trip to Chicago with my husband last year. My husband and I wanted to do ice skating there but didn’t make it. I want to illustrate different night colors, one with cold tone and one with warm tone, and both must capture the glamorous atmosphere of city lights. The painting process had a lot of fun. I enjoyed creating different values/tones of blue and yellow, and then used thick paint for highlight.
The other two illustrations are Japanese restaurants. I am currently working on a draft featuring a JP restaurant, so I want to do color test. I imagine the restaurant’s interior would have the warmth of wood yellow and lively ocean blue for seafood. So, for this practice, I tried to find the balance of the two colors.
Practice makes me become a better illustrator! I want to build my illustration journey with confidence and ease!
這次練習了以溜冰場主題的兩個都市夜景。靈感是去年感恩節我和petit ami去芝加哥玩,那時很想溜冰但沒溜成。夜景一個藍色調,一個黃色調。我喜歡混色的過程,想辦法混出不同的藍和黃。最後用厚顏料點出夜晚的亮點。
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