This year, on August 1st, is our 1st anniversary! Yes, I got married last year. We had a virtual marriage ceremony held at Zoom by a judge from Austin. Well, I think this should be a very special marriage thing because of the pandemic. We invited friends in the US to join this big day with us. And I wanted to make something special for our wedding, not just sending them a link. So, I designed our wedding invitation.
It was painted by Posca markers. My husband and I both love bright, summer-like colors, so from the limited markers I have, I chose sky-blue, grass-green and pink as theme color palette. I also added some cute animals to the picture because I imagined our wedding would be a fun, happy and relaxed event. It definitely must included our two cats, Albert and Richard, and my friend’s dachshund, Sweet Potato. I also drew squirrel and deer, because my husband and I often saw them when we had a walk in the neighborhood.
Our marriage ceremony took place at my friend’s apartment. They had a go-pro to shoot our wedding and we had a bottle of Bollinger champagne to celebrate after the event. Later I found out Bollinger was featured in Jame Pond’s movies. Well, it tasted great! My friend also took a lovely picture for us. I really love it!
今年8月1日是我和petit ami結婚一週年的日子。是的~我們結婚啦!不過很低調,因為去年是疫情年,我們在美國透過視訊,由法官為我們證婚。這應該是疫情之下特有的方式吧。當天證婚時,我們邀請一些在美國的好朋友參加,而我想分享的,就是我們的結婚邀請卡。
這是用Posca marker畫的。我和petit ami都喜歡明亮清爽的顏色,所以當初在選主題色時,從我現有的色筆中,選了天空藍、草地綠和粉紅色為主色調。另外,我想讓畫面俏皮活潑,因為我喜歡婚禮的氣氛是輕鬆的,很像參加朋友聚會,所以加了小動物。一定會有我們的兩隻貓Albert和Richard,另外還有好朋友的臘腸狗寒吉,以及我們傍晚散步常會看到的松鼠和鹿。
視訊證婚當天,我們是在朋友家舉行,結束後一起喝Bollinger香檳慶祝!這瓶香檳據說在龐德007電影有出現,蠻好喝的。朋友替我們拍了結婚照。哈!希望未來在台灣辦實體婚禮時,我和petit ami可以穿上類似圖畫中的禮服。我自己覺得petit ami穿淺藍色的西裝一定很好看!
Thanks for reading!